Probably one of the most difficult things a child can do is face the declining health and frailty in elderly parents. While the thought of moving parents to senior living can sometimes seem cold and uncaring, in fact, the reality is quite the opposite.
The best senior living in Los Angeles offers:
- Safety and security
- Regular nutritious meals
- Help with daily living
- Transportation services
- No stress with housekeeping, yard work or home maintenance
- Opportunities for learning
- Exercise classes and activities
- New friends and relationships
- Social events, field trips and more
Most seniors who move into senior living see their life improve with regular meals, friends and personal care. In fact, many older adults who move to senior living communities often say they wished they had done it sooner!
How Do You Talk To Resistant Parents About Senior Living?
Yet with all of the benefits of senior living, many children share the frustration of caring for an aging parent who refuses to leave their home.
Tip #1: Try to Make It Their Choice
For some, the thought of any change can lead to distress. Based on psychology, the best approach to this situation is to create an opportunity to invite them to visit a senior living community to see what it is all about. Tours provide an opportunity to see important features such as the quality of the food, rooms, residents, and amenities.
Tip #2: Try a Gradual Approach
Some senior living communities will allow a parent to try living in the community for a short period such as a week or a month before they decide whether to stay or return home. This approach can make hesitant seniors feel more comfortable when making a sudden change in their life.
Tip #3: Keep Raising The Topic Respectfully
One of the hardest decisions a child makes is when they know that their parents just can’t take care of themselves for the rest of their lives. The best approach to this is to simply keep talking about the benefits of senior living. Having regular conversations and expressing your concerns and how much you care about their health and well-being can make all the difference in the world.
Tip #4: Don’t Feel Guilty
In many cases, putting a parent in a senior living community is the most responsible thing that a child can do as there will now be caregivers and medical staff on hand for daily living and emergencies. What’s more, when living in a senior community, they often thrive and enjoy more relationships and friends in their final years.
Tip #6: Don’t Go It Alone
Gather brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and friends together to support you and help mediate this difficult situation. Remember, it’s important to keep everyone on the “same page” when encouraging parents to move to a senior living community as one disgruntled family member can easily come up with a reason to convince the parent to stay in place. Also, be aware that family gatherings can become very emotional meetings so try to avoid unnecessary confrontation and keep the conversation focused on what is best for your parents.
Tip #6: Let Us Help
As part of our senior living placement service, we personally take you to visit the senior living communities that we think are suitable for your loved one and together we go through a comprehensive list of questions until you are satisfied that you understand all the options, policies, and benefits that each senior living community offers. For a free consultation please contact us.